Hey there!
I hope your week has been going well. I honestly have just had one of those week’s and I contemplated not writing a post today but writing always makes me feel better. In fact, the whole point of doing FULL friday posts was so that I could be thinking of those little things that make my week. Plus, these things have been making this week of intense homework more tolerable. I had a lot of tears flowing these last few days so I spent a little extra time paying attention to how I felt. School is mentally exhausting and this whole summer school thing has been kicking my butt.
So, here are a few things that really made my week:
1. Hydrogels

I actually brought these on my recent trip to Boston and forgot to use them. I have heard that hydrogels are great after traveling. So many people have talked about Honest Hazel Eye Gels (which I haven’t tried) as a traveling must for them. They are a great way to refresh your under eyes after a flight (or from crying) so, when I saw these Cucumber + Silk Tree Hydrogels * from Acure Organics at Whole Foods, before my trip, I thought I would give them a try. Yes, the package is pink (my least fav color) but the gels are not! They are gold!

I ended up using them earlier today for the first time and I am pretty impressed. I decided to chill mine in the fridge for a little bit and that made them even more refreshing! They are paraben free, sulfate free, and cruelty free. Also, you have to lay back for 20 minutes while they do their thing and I needed that time to just sit and quiet my mind.

Of course, after I put them on I read online how the bigger side is suppose to be on the outside. Oh well, they still felt good after a nice shower.

Actually, I left them on a little longer than 20 minutes because I was feeling so zen. No rinsing required afterwards and my undereyes do feel less puffy and rejuvenated. They were $4.99 at Whole Foods but I would buy them again.
2. True Lemon
While in Boston last week, my sister in law introduced me to True Lemon * drink mixes. I have not had something like this since college (the first round of college) and back then the flavor packs I was using were full of sugar. These do not have any artificial flavors or sweeteners, just a touch of sweetness from stevia, and they are delicious.

I have been drinking tons of water to rehydrate this week and putting just one of these with a whole 32 ounce glass of filtered water has made me want to drink more water than usual.
3. Mushroom Latte’s

Last week I tried a chaga mocha latte for the first time in Boston and I have been craving mushrooms in my beverages since. This week I tried an unsweetened oatmilk * chaga mushroom latte at the flagship Limitless Cafe (using Four Sigmatic Chaga *) and the earthy flavor is so interesting and soothing that I can not stop thinking about it! Am I weird to enjoy a nice hot frothy beverage when it is 85 + out? Anyways, it was so unique that I decided to make a few at home.

I picked up a few of these Four Sigmatic mixes before my Boston trip last week but ended up not trying them until this week. As you guys know, I LOVE coffee but coffee makes me feel ill, specifically the caffeine. So I am always looking for lighter caffeine alternatives. These mushroom coffee mixes were so tasty frothed with a little Mooala milk and consumed on my porch. I prefered the Cordyceps + Chaga Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee * but the Lion’s Mane + Chaga Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee * had a really nice fruity finish. I have not tried the Reishi Mushroom Elixir yet and there are so many other flavors that I can not wait to try from this brand.
4. Calm Magnesium Supplement
For years I have been consuming this drink mix by Natural Vitality * and this week I was drinking it every night. I took a few of the flavored ones with me last week while traveling and have been mixing the unflavored one I have at home with the True Lemon mix. It helps restore magnesium levels and supports the immune system. I find that I sleep better consuming this.

5. Kitty Cuddles
I have spent more time curled up on my couch this week than I would like to admit. My cat Bazil always loves to cuddle and she could tell I needed a little extra cuddling this week. Her little nudges are so cute and she always knows how to cheer me up. She loves to munch on my hair and literally follows me everywhere. As soon as I sit down, she is there to lay next to me and usually softly places her little paws on me.

That is all for this week’s FULL Friday post! Not every week is good but there is always something good in every week. What things cheer you up when you are having a rough day or week?
Hope the rest of your weekend involves some self care and hopefully furry friend cuddles!

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